Monday, August 24, 2009

School has begun.

Weber State, and I have a love hate relationship.
I can't believe I am going on for more schooling. But, at the same time I feel blessed that I have the opportunity to do so.
Well, I officially started school at Weber. I am so excited, but so nervous. I hope I am going to be able to be a good wife, mother, sister, daughter, a good RN, and good instructor, and a good student. I know it sounds crazy, but I am nervous I am going to let someone down.
I have such good support in everything I do, I am sure my loved ones will understand my crazy mood swings.
Well, all in all I am way excited to be moving forward with my life, and schooling. I eventually want to teach nursing school, so this is just the journey.

The baby is doing well. Everything is great. I am really feeling great. I am not so tired all the time, which is wonderful. I am being more motivated, and I hope it stays that way. I am still feeling really hot all the time, but that too is getting better. I can't believe I have only a couple of months until we get to meet this little one. We seriously can't wait.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Three months left.

I cannot believe I only have 3 months left until I have this little baby. I am getting so nervous and anxious. I feel like I have so much to do. I don't know if that is normal, but I feel really overwhelmed. I hope that by the time I have the baby, everything will just fall into place.
I am enjoying feeling the baby move everyday. I love to be able to watch my abdomen and see the movement, as well as feel the movement. I know I am going to miss it so much when the baby is born. Feeling the movement is my favorite past time. I can't get enough of it.
I have been feeling great. I am just tired and hot often, but I can't complain. I am doing really well.

Eric has been so great during this whole pregnancy. He is always doing things for me and making sure I am doing okay. I just love to see him talk about the baby. He is so excited, as am I. We are so blessed to have this opportunity. I just hope we can give this child everything he/she deserves. I want to be the "perfect" parent, so if anyone has any advice, throw it at me. HAHA. I know we will make mistakes, but I just feel we have to be consistent.

Well, I have to get this off my chest. I am so sick of people making such NICE comments about the way I look. I seriously do not need to hear how fat I am. Do people not have any tact? I would never tell someone who huge they look. I think that is the most disrespectful, mean thing ever. Would you tell someone who is not pregnant how huge they look? Then why in the world would you tell a hormonal pregnant women how big she is? I honestly don't care if everyone in the world thinks to themselves, "Geeze Natalie is huge." But please do not tell me to my face. I know how much weight I have gained and I know how big my abdomen is. So PLEASE do not tell me how big I am. I had someone ask me, "Are you sure you are not having twins?" Oh and my favorite was someone at work, (a co-worker), said, "Oh Natalie you are looking pleasantly plump." SERIOUSLY, people get some tact. I can't believe people. I still have feelings, even though I am pregnant. So please do not comment on how big I am.
Sorry about the rant, just something that has been bothering me for the last month or so. Maybe it is just hormones, but it is still upsetting. Thanks for letting me vent.
Hope everyone is enjoying the last month of summer!!