Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Winter seems so LONG!

Swinging at the park on Valentine's Day.
Kaidance's first swollen lip.

Wearing her cousin's hat

Eating ice cream with dad.

More ice cream!

Attempting to make the biggest mess in the world.

Grandma and Grandpa's Valentine!

Cleaning with mom!

We are trying to keep warm and busy. Kaidance gets really bored of being inside all the time. I feel really bad for her because she will sit and pound on the doors and windows because she wants to go outside. She doesn't care how cold it is, she just loves being outside.

She also loves the dogs. Whenever she hears them or we talk about them she will go and pound on the door so that she can see them. She is always trying to take care of them. She tries to feed them whatever she is eating and she even makes attempts to give them her Binky. It is really cute. She is such a little giver.

A few nights ago she fell on the wood floor and did not catch herself. She cut the inside of her lip/gums. It was horrible. It was bleeding and it was awful to witness as a mother. I am glad Eric was home because he really does well at calming Kaidance down when she is hurt. But to make a long story short, she got her first fat lip. It was so sad, but she was a trooper.

Also, this past month she has had a cold. It seems it wouldn't go away. I finally took her to the doctor and she had a sinus infection. We started her on antibiotics and she is doing so much better. Poor girl!

Today we are going to the doctor for allergy testing, so I will have to let everyone know what happens with that.


*Kristin* said...

Hey how did you do the cute fonts?? and I love the pics of Roo she is getting so big!!! Miss ya!!

Cassidy said...

o she is seriously cute!!! Love how long her hair is getting!!! LOve your blog nat!`