Popcorn, a drink, and Dora! Life doesn't get much better!
Kristin played dress-up with me!
Taking a nap on Aunt Kristin and Aunt Kimmie in the background!
Waking up in the morning!
Eating cereal with Aunt Kristin.
pushing a doll around
Laying down with Uncle Jess
I am getting close to being done with school! I can't wait, and I am sure Kaidance feels the same way. Today she came over and shut my computer and gave me the sweetest face in the world. I had to stop doing homework and go play!
She is my Princess. I can't get enough of her! I bet she will be more excited than anyone else when I graduate. She will finally have a mom!
My sweet sister Kristin came up this last weekend. It was fun to see her! She watched Kaidance for me on Sunday when I was at work. Kaidance had a BLAST! Thanks aunt Krissy!