Saturday, May 23, 2009

Baby Britt Nursery!

I have been debating on if I should post these pictures or not, but I thought some of you may be interested. Eric and I did this to the baby room in January. If you are wondering, no, we weren't pregnant at the time, just trying.

Eric and I did this by ourselves and kept it a secret from everyone until May first. We are dang proud of our work, so I hope everyone else thinks it looks as great as we think it does.

Our colors are turquoise, chocolate brown and white. We had to choose neutral colors because we are not going to find out the sex of the baby. We made the shelf all the way around the room. Eric also fixed up the closet, so we would have a lot of room, and yes, I am going to fill it full. Right now we have the crib, the dresser, a bassinet, a swing, and a car seat. As you can see, our colors match and I just love it. We are having a more difficult time finding a bed set, so if anyone finds one, please let me know.

Well, I hope everyone enjoys the pictures. I never thought this moment in my life would come, but I have never been so happy. I am so in love with Eric and my new baby on the way. I can hardly wait, but at the same time, I want this to last forever. I know it sounds crazy, but it is true.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Vacation in Colorado

Eric and I at the Lake.
Eric's sister Marcy, Eric, his mom Ruth and brother Tyler.

The beautiful lake.

Getting read;y to head home.

The View from our cabin.

Me, Eric and his Grandma


Eric's cousin Jim, and his sis Court

The beautiful bride and groom.

The actual ceremony.

This last weekend we had the opportunity to go to Colorado and spend some time with Eric's family. We ended up staying at a beautiful lake in some cabins. It was nice to just get away. Eric's cousin got married on Saturday and we were able to make it to that. It was a very beautiful ceremony and reception afterward. We had a wonderful time. The drive was a little long, but worth a nice vacation. Most of Eric's family lives in Colorado, because that is where his family is originally from. His two sisters and mother live here, but other than that, they all live over there.
It was nice to see his cute grandma, because we only get to see her about once a year. Eric is best friends with most of his cousins, and I can see why when they get together. They are all so much a like, it is hilarious.
Here are a few pictures that tell the story better than I.
I also am so thankful for Eric's amazing nephew, Jake. He took care of our home and our dogs while we were gone. I never had to worry about what was going on at home while he was there. He is such a great kid and we are truly blessed to have him in our lives. Thanks Jake!

Friday, May 8, 2009

The RUMORS are true.

I just wanted to announce that Eric and I are expecting our first child in November. We are so blessed to be able to have this opportunity. I didn't know it if was going to be possible, but here we are. I guess all we needed was a little faith and a lot of love, and look what happened.
We finally told our parents on Friday after my graduation. We all went to lunch and we gave them thank you card for coming. Then after that we gave them a congratulations card and it had an ultrasound picture in it. We were so lucky to have both of our parents and my sister and her husband there to share the news with. Eric's dad even drove from Colorado for my graduation, so it was perfect. I just can't believe we hid it for so long. It was the hardest secret I have ever had to keep from my family and friends.
We are due on November 11, 2009. I am 14 weeks along. We are not going to find out the sex of the baby. Eric and I love surprises. Either way, we are so excited. We have the nursery finished, and it has actually been done for about 5 months. We also have the crib and everything. I will post some pictures of that stuff soon.
Just thought I would clear up any rumors. Now, the news is out!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Graduation May 1, 2009

Paul, Kylie, me and Kimmie.
Dad, Kylie, Me and my cute mom.

Eric's mom ruth, me, Eric and Eric dad Bob

Eric and I.

Heather and I.

Walking when they called my name.

Waiting to be called.

There we all are.

Waiting again.

Walking in.

Graduation was amazing. We had a great time. My little sister, her husband and her husband came, along with both of Eric's parents and both of my parents. I am so happy to have my BSN and can't wait for what the future holds. I love what I do and am proud to be in the nursing profession. I graduated with my best friend Heather, and it was so wonderful to walk with her again. (We walked together 6 years ago, this month, from high school.) I can't wait to further my career and really make a difference.
After we arrived home, we invited all the family to our house for dessert. Everyone was able to come and it was a great time. I sure love my family and I am so thankful for all of them.