Thursday, June 3, 2010

Guaranteed to make you GIGGLE!

My Sweet baby turned 7 months yesterday! I cannot believe it has been seven months! I feel like it has only been a few days. I can't get enough time with my angel. She truly completes me. She makes me giggle everyday! She is the best baby ever, though she is EXTREMELY spoiled! ;)
Kaidance loves her tub time. She is so funny, but especially when she is in the tub. She squeals, giggles and laughs so much during this time. She has to have two baths a day, she takes one in the morning and one at night. How could I not, she LOVES it. These pictures are so funny! She loves to play with her dad. He can make her giggle no matter what.
She is slowly getting over her illness, but remains stuffy, with lots of yucky boogers. I feel horrible for her because she is still a really noisy breather. I can't wait for her to feel 100% again.
Well, enjoy these silly pictures, I sure do!


Jena and Gregg said...

super cute pictures. Cant believe how fast she is growing.

*Kristin* said...

She is so silly and cute!! I miss you guys so much! I am so excited to see you on sunday!! YAY!!

MacElwee Family said...

I love all her different faces in the bathtub. She is so stinkin cute!