Sunday, September 12, 2010

Can't Get Enough of our Angel.

Kaidance has been so funny lately! She really has such a fun personality! I just love that she makes me laugh all the time.

She has been eating just about anything we give her. She loves to eat "real" food. She is not into the oatmeal or baby food very much anymore. She does love beans, rice, potatoes, chicken noodle soup, macaroni and cheese and spaghetti-O's. It is fun to see her try new things!

She has been walking a lot lately. She walks most places, until she falls down and then she will crawl a little. She falls down a lot, but usually just gets back up without even crying. It is funny to just watch her. You can almost see her mind thinking. She loves to get into anything, and I have to be on the look-out for what she may find next.
Her hair is getting longer, as you can see. I love to try new things with it, but she only holds still for about one second, so I am getting pretty good at doing hair on the move.

She has discovered a new love for cucumbers. She loves them! They are her new favorite treat. We were all ready for bed one night and I was eating one, she kept grabbing for it, so I told her she probably wouldn't like it, but gave her one anyway. Boy was I wrong! She loved it!

Well, we are still having the time of our lives. Kaidance is the best little girl and we couldn't ask for anything more right now in our lives.


Cartas said...

Your girl really is adorable! But this comment is for you :) Happy Birthday Nat! Hope you have a wonderful day!!

MacElwee Family said...

I still can't believe that she walks everywhere. She looks to tiny to, but she can move! She is such a pretty baby. Its crazy what kids will like, I would never imagine that she would like cucumbers of all things!

Nicole said...

haha such a great hair style!