I never posted about my Birthday, and it was great. I went out with some of my girl-friends the night before my birthday and it was great. Eric stayed home and watched Kaidance. It was really nice to have some girl time. We had a blast and laughed a lot.
On my birthday Eric surprised me as always. He had a picnic planned up at Tony's Grove lake. My whole family met us up there. It was beautiful and we walked around the lake. When we got back into Logan we went climbing at Rock Haus. It was so fun, and a good work out. I like it more than I would have thought.
We ended the night with family over. We had peach shakes and cake. It sure was an amazing birthday. I just can't believe I am a year older.
Now on to talking about our angel. She is amazing as always. Always making me giggle. She says ma-ma and da-da. She is always talking but we are not always sure what she is saying. She loves the dogs and squeals at them all the time. She still has her little attitude and is ALREADY throwing tantrums if she does not get what she wants. She turned eleven months yesterday and it makes me so sad that she is almost a year. I am loving her age, though, right now because she is so interactive. I always know she is thinking about something.
Well, just check her out, she is beautiful!!
hey your WHOLE family did not go to the picnic!! jk I am glad you had a good birthday! I can not believe how fast Roo is growing up!! We miss you guys! love you!!
I'm so glad you guys had fun on your birthday. You guys are so awesome you always do the funnest things. Soon it will be little Roo s birthday I cant wait to celebrate.
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