Sunday, November 16, 2008

I finally chopped my hair off!

So, anyone who knows me knows I have always had long hair. I finally jumped off the deep end and cut it! I know it is not real drastic to most, but it is huge to me. I have never had short hair, ever! I didn't tell Eric, because I wanted it to be a surprise. I came home and he just looked at me. I could tell he was in shock. He claims that he likes it, but I am still not 100% convinced. I really just wanted a change and my brother's new wife is great at doing hair. I actually cut it into a long a-line. Eric, made the best statement when he said, he liked it but it was different, and then he went on to say, "what would you think if I came home with a mullet?" He compared my hair to a mullet!!! How funny is that? I think what he was trying to say was that it was different and that he would need some time to get used to it. But, it was so funny, I had to post about it. Well, I will get some pictures of my new hair and post them soon!


Angie said...

I can't wait to see pictures of it. I'm excited for you a change is nice and sometimes a needed.

Tina said...

I can't wait to see your hair!! I bet you look so cute. Hey I have your scentsy stuff at my house. I am off work tomorrow. Call me and we can meet up or I can run it out to you...

Denise loves Tim said...

I think that it looked way cute when I saw you with your cute pink knee brace!