Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day LOVE

So, today is Valentine's day, and I have been dreading this day because Eric and I both had to work. I worked from 3 in the morning to about 4 thirty in the afternoon. Eric has to leave for work at about five thirty, so I knew we weren't going to be able to really spend any time together. For this reason, Eric and I decided to celebrate on our next day off together.

So, thinking I am a sneaky wife, I thought I would just get him something small and leave it on the counter when I left for work this morning. That way, he would come home from work at seven and be surprised with some flowers and candy. The whole time I did not know he was thinking the same thing. So I guess it is true, great minds really do think alike. HAHA. He left me my favorite treat in the whole world, chocolate covered Cinnamon bears, pink roses and another vase of assorted flowers. Those things weren't even the best part. He left the most amazing card ever. I cried when I read it, because he is so thoughtful. I can't believe I am married to Eric. He has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. I don't know where I would be without him. I get teared up just thinking about it. I am an emotional person sometimes, but I have always been very emotional when it comes to my loved ones.

I just wanted to list a few reasons why I love Eric so much!

1: We are so much alike.

2: He is the only one who can put up with me, especially if I am in one of my moods!

3: He can always make me smile.

4: He has a way of making others feel good.

5: He is very hard working and is good at so many different things.

6: Eric is able to figure anything out.

7: Eric has an enormous heart and cares for people more than you would ever imagine. He loves his family and close friends and would do anything for them.

8: He treats me like a princess.

9: He loves me for who I am, no matter what.

10: He just knows me so well, I can't trick him.

11: Eric always wants to make things perfect.

12: He supports me in whatever I am doing!

Well, those are just a few reasons I love Eric, I could go on and on, but I don't' want to bore everyone.

I love you Eric, more than you will ever know! You mean the world to me and I am so grateful to have you in my life.

1 comment:

Angie said...

Looks like you had a great time even though you had to work. Isn't great when you know you have your soulmate by your side!