Saturday, April 4, 2009

I was accepted.

Well, I was accepted into the Master's program at Weber State University, in Nursing education. I am so excited and I can't wait to get going. I will start the actual program in August. I am graduating with my BSN on May 1st. I am so excited to being doing this. I feel it will not only benefit me, but others around me. I also want to be a mother who can provide for my children and show them how important education is. Eric is so supportive of me, and heck, I think he was just as excited when we found out I got in, as I was. He called everyone and kept bugging me to call my family and tell them. It was a great day, and we sure needed a great day, considering what the last week and a half has been like.
If you don't know what I am talking about I will inform everyone. Eric got into an accident at work about a week and a half ago. He works on rail cars, AKA a train. He got his finger crushed off between the two rail cars. The cars each weighed 300 tons or something. So, as you can imagine, it didn't have a difficult time taking his finger. He called me right after it happened and I headed out to the hospital in Tremonton. It was an awful sight, and I kept wishing it was a dream. Well, to make a long story short, he does not have a finger any longer. But we are so happy it wasn't all of his fingers or his whole hand. He is doing pretty well, considering what he has been through.
Right now in our lives, we are just thankful to have our wonderful family and friends. Thanks to everyone who has called or send cards. It really means a lot to us. We love all the people in our amazing support system, and trust, me it really helps to have such great people in our lives.
Well, I have some pictures of his finger before and after, but I thought they were too gruesome to post, so I will just let you imagine. We will keep everyone posted on his progress and what the doctor says.
Thanks again for everyone's support and for keeping Eric in your thoughts and prayers.


Angie said...

Congratulations that is quite an achievement. Eric had good reason to be so proud of you! Way to go!!

Tiff said...

Congratulations, I'm sure you'll do great!! Sorry to hear about Eric's finger, I hope he heals fast and that everything is okay.

Jesse and Mindi said...

Yay!!! I'm so excited you were accepted!! Congratulations!!! I'm so sorry to hear about Eric's finger. I had no idea, but I'll sure keep you guys in my prayers. I hope he recovers well and fast!

Tina said...

Wow! That is so exciting! Lots of work ahead for you, I'm sure, but a great accomplishment that will be! And congrats on getting your bachelor's! I had no idea about Eric's accident! Hope he recovers quickly!

Cartas said...

We're so sorry about Eric! And glad that it wasn't his whole hand either! How scary. Let us know if there is anything we could do to help you guys out okay!! Please! Also awesome news about getting into the program. I"m so happy for you, you'll do great! Good luck!!!!!

Kirsha said...

congrats I am so proud of you that you got in to the program you should be proud of yourself. I am sorry to hear about Erics finger. when things like that happen it makes you realize how lucky you are in life!!!

MacElwee Family said...

Congrats on getting into the program! I hope things get better with Eric.

Andy and Michelle said...

Congrats on getting in school!!!! That is AWESOME!!! Poor Eric I feel so bad for him. That sucks I would love to see the pics bring them to work sometime! I miss you girl!!

*Chelsey* said...

CONGRATS on getting in!! That is SO awesome Natalie. Good luck with everything and I am glad to hear Eric is doing well.