Friday, May 8, 2009

The RUMORS are true.

I just wanted to announce that Eric and I are expecting our first child in November. We are so blessed to be able to have this opportunity. I didn't know it if was going to be possible, but here we are. I guess all we needed was a little faith and a lot of love, and look what happened.
We finally told our parents on Friday after my graduation. We all went to lunch and we gave them thank you card for coming. Then after that we gave them a congratulations card and it had an ultrasound picture in it. We were so lucky to have both of our parents and my sister and her husband there to share the news with. Eric's dad even drove from Colorado for my graduation, so it was perfect. I just can't believe we hid it for so long. It was the hardest secret I have ever had to keep from my family and friends.
We are due on November 11, 2009. I am 14 weeks along. We are not going to find out the sex of the baby. Eric and I love surprises. Either way, we are so excited. We have the nursery finished, and it has actually been done for about 5 months. We also have the crib and everything. I will post some pictures of that stuff soon.
Just thought I would clear up any rumors. Now, the news is out!


Andy and Michelle said...

Natalie- I am so freakin excited for you!!!!! You will be the BEST mom hands down. I can't wait for you!! Congrats hope you are doing good. I miss you bad!!

MacElwee Family said...

I am so excited to hear the news. We actually heard from Heather and I've been waiting for you to post something. It will be perfect, all of our kids can play together. I am so happy for both of you!! I hope you are feeling good.

Angie said...

Congratulations! Megan heard this weekend I think and couldn't wait to run and tell me!! We are so excited for you!

Kirsha said...

oh Natalie I am so so so excited for you both!!!! you clearly have more self control than I do I could never wait that long to tell or to find out what it was!!!! congrats and I can't wait to meet baby Britt

Chris, Elyse & Kaitlyn Harris said...

Congratulations Natalie! you will LOVE being a mom! you will be GREAT!

Natalie said...

That is so great! Congrats!

{Layla} said...

Hello girl! I just found your blog and you are as cute as ever! CONGRATULATIONS on the baby! I can't believe you aren't going to find out what you are having--you always were brave and adventurous! I want to see pics of the baby room!

Denise loves Tim said...

YEAH!!!!!! We can have our babies togther!! I am going to come over for sure in the next week or two so I will call you! You will be the best parents!!
