Friday, January 15, 2010

You are the Love of my life!

I thought I should post some more pictures of my sweet baby. She is finally starting to feel better and I sure love it. She has been smiling and cooing often. We are just having the time of our lives.
We went to the doctor about a week or two ago and I have some more statistics on my beautiful babe, but I will post those later.

I can't believe how my life has changed in the last few months. I know why I am alive. I never would have thought that being a mother would be so amazing. Some days are hard, but it just makes me love her more and more. I know is sounds corny, but my life reminds me of a song right now. She is the love of my life, and the reason I am alive.

Enjoy the pictures.


Tiff said...

She is beautiful! And getting so big, I can't believe it. Enjoy your time off!

*Kristin* said...

I miss her so much! Every picture of her is just so dang cute! I am so glad she is feeling better! We miss you guys so much! Love ya!

Denise loves Tim said...

Being a mom is great and hard. I wish I could carry Lane in the snugli but he's way too heavy! When are you coming back and how much are you going to work?

Morton Family said...

She is so cute! I agree, nothing better than being a mommy!