Saturday, May 21, 2011

Kaidance turns 18 months

My little hanging monkey!


Facing forward in the car watching Dora.

"When I grow up I want to be like Mommy!"

Playing at the park

Going down the big slides all by herself.

Kaidance turned 18 months old on May 2nd. I am still in shock at how old my baby is getting. She is so funny! She speaks a lot now, sometimes you can understand and sometimes you can't! Her favorite game is Ring-Around-The Rosies. She loves to play and attempts to get everyone in on the fun. She also started jumping off things. She will say, "Ready, Set Go!" and then jump. It is fun, but scary because she has no fear and will jump off anything.

We took her to see Dr Visick for her 18 month check up. He thinks she looks great! She is just a silly little girl. She was very good. The only problem is the shots she has to get. She is now getting old enough to realize what is going on. She held her breath so long her lips turned purple. It was not the highlight of the day. After shots Eric promised she could go pick out a toy. (HAHA). A toy turned into multiple toys with multiple dollar signs! :). But she had a good time and it was nice to get her mind off the shots.

This last week we turned her car seat around to face forward. I was a little hesitant,but I think she is doing okay facing forward. She loves to watch Dora in the car and is much more pleasant now that she can face forward and see what is going on. She just looks so big facing forward, I can't even believe how big she is getting. She sure isn't my baby anymore, she is my little princess.

18 Month Stats:

Length:32 n inches- 58 Percentile

Weight:20.8 pounds- 6 Percentile

Head: 18.6 inches - 68 Percentile

1 comment:

*Kristin* said...

Miss you guys so much!! She is getting so big! I hope I get to see you guys soon love and miss ya!!