Wednesday, May 25, 2011

She loves the SWING!

Eating Ice Cream, she stopped to say "Cheese"

Climbing up the slide!


Giving cousing Shakobe a "LOVE"

Swing time!

Reading books with cousin Ky!

Pretending to sleep in the Swing, she kept saying "ni-ni"


Kaidance loves to be outside. It does not matter how cold or hot it is outside, she just wants to be out there! It is fun to see how she is growing and learning. She knows if she puts her shoes and jacket on that she gets to go outside, thus she gets her shoes out and tries to put them on herself.

The last two days she has been using the potty more. She even pooped in the potty for her first time yesterday, and then again today. When she finishes she yells "YAY" and claps her hands. It is the sweetest thing in the world!

1 comment:

MacElwee Family said...

I can't believe how fast she is growing. That is really good that she is already starting to use the toilet and actually going.