Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How we LOVE summer!

Playing at the park in Richmond!

Her pretty hair is getting so long.

She watches dad, and then she has to do it HERSELF!

Running through the Dora Sprinkler with the neighbor kids!

She was not scared at all!

Her new outdoor tramp. (she already has a full-sized indoor tramp)

More sprinkler time!

We have the best time in the summer!

We went to Lagoon, and Kaidance was in Heaven. (a separate post for that)

We have been swimming a few times and have playing in the Dora Sprinkler outside. She loves the park and if she spots any park, she will yell "Park, mom". She has recently fallen in love with the jogger stroller. She loves to be in it. (I guess this is good motivation for me to get out and run). She squeals and yells whoa when we go over bumps and she tells me when I am not going fast enough! :)

It has been a blast. Our little princess in sure an outside girl!
Here are some fun pictures for your enjoyment!

1 comment:

Nielsen Family said...

How do you do it? You are so busy and such a good mommy. I love reading the blog. Congrats on the new position. You will be great.
How do you get Kaidance to hold so still while you style her hair?