Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Kristin and Kaidance Time!

Ash and Roo, Watching Lion King!

Big J's with Aunt Kristin!


Her favorite, she is saying "Cheese"

Grabbing Uncle Jess to make sure he is going to watch "TIGGGGERS"

Kristin watched Angel Girl on Tuesday for me! They had a blast together! Kaidance can't say Kristin so she calls her "Kris". It is so cute!
Thanks Kristin for taking such good care of my Princess Khloe.

(When I got home from work today, Kaidance called Kristin Mom) Sad day!

My mom and sisters have been so great lately at motivating me to work out. We work out together and I love it. Kaidance LOVES it too. She dances around, then sits and read and dances again.

After workout time, she had to snuggle with Aunt Ash in bed. They watched Lion King. At our house we watch that show at least 3 times a day. It is Kaidance's very favorite right now. She calls it "TIGGGER". (in a deep and raspy voice). It is the cutest thing in the world. No matter how many times I call it Lion, she continues to call it Tiger! Isn't she the best?;)

1 comment:

*Kristin* said...

what a silly girl I love to play with her so glad you are letting me stay here! p.s. she knows you are her mommy silly I am just crazy aunt kris love you guys!
p.p.s. lets work off the mushroom top ha ha!!