Sunday, July 19, 2009

Six Amazing Years!

Today is our six year wedding anniversary. I cannot believe it has been that long. I am more in love with Eric now than the day we meant. I love how we have grown together and we make one-another stronger and better people. I also feel that we complete each other. I am so in love. I never thought being married and in love would be so amazing. I am blessed beyond words to have Eric in my life. Can you believe that we were so young when we made such a huge commitment? I know it is what God meant for us. I have never doubted that for a minute.
We, are off to celebrate, but I will post some pictures of the day later.
I love you Eric! Happy six years! Thanks for the wonderful times, and I look forward to 80 more years, haha!


Jesse and Mindi said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! It's amazing how time flies, isn't it? I hope you two have a great day!

Kirsha said...

congrats!!! time really does fly! Jared and i will also be celebrating our 6th in august!