Monday, November 23, 2009

Happy 3 Weeks KAIDANCE!

I took this picture at 1:27pm today, because that is the exact time she was born!

Today Kaidance is 3 weeks old. I can't even believe it. I hate to think it has already been three weeks. Time is going way to fast.

I had a huge problem today. I have to tell everyone about it. I may even need a support group! HAHA. While Kaidance was sleeping, I got on the Internet today and spent a TON of money shopping online. There is so much to buy, and I went a little crazy! (okay, a lot crazy). I kept telling myself to stop, but I couldn't. I am going to blame it on Gymboree, Gap and Old Navy. They sure have some cute clothes. I just can't wait to dress my princess up.

Well, happy 3 Week birthday to my most beautiful princess in the whole world.

Oh, and can you tell she is gaining weight and getting so big? Her cheeks are getting so chubby, I just love it!

Love you Kaidance!!!!


Cassidy said...

i don't know why but there are such cute cute stuff out there for girls. If i was ever blessed with a girl we would be in big trouble too. She is beautiful and i love her hair.

Jena and Gregg said...

Happy 3 week birthday Kaidance! I cant believe how fast time has gone by either. We both miss her a lot, and what a lucky little girl she is going to be the best dressed baby around. Im really hoping everyone is healthy so we will be able to see her soon. Love you guys.

cheri said...

she is so beautiful

*Kristin* said...

She is so so cute I can't wait to see her! (tomorrow yay!) I know how you feel when ever i go to store I just want to buy everything for all my nieces and nephews! Well I just can't wait to see you guys! Love you!

The Douglas's said...

Its so hard to not shop for you baby! Its so fun though!!! She is a cutie!!!