Friday, April 29, 2011


The Easter Egg Tramp~!

Dying the Eggs.

Drinking the Dye.

Us at the Egg hunt!

Getting some good Eggs.

My Angel!

We were trying to tell her what to do!

The Easter bunny brought some good stuff!

Dying a GREEN one!

Some of the broken ones!

I had to work on Easter, but I took Saturday off to celebrate. Kaidance had a BLAST at the Easter egg hunt in Richmond. She had an egg in each hand and was throwing them into her basket so she could get more. She was so funny! She even spotted a little boy's basket on the ground and ran to it to get the eggs out. I had to stop her, otherwise he would have lost all his eggs.

Kristin was here so she helped us take pictures. Later that night we moved Kristin and Jess' stuff into our basement. They are moving to Boise! Jess is going to school there and is going to do amazing!

Before bed we dyed Easter Eggs. Eric thought it would be fun to involve Kaidance, boy was he right! It was a blast. (You know me and my OCD ways!) It was a mess! She had a blast though. She had dye everywhere, and she even drank a little of it! Kaidance basically broke every egg she touched! It was TOO FUNNY!

Sunday I worked, but we had Kaidance's stuff set out on Saturday night, so she could get stuff from the Easter bunny! Sunday when I got home Kaidance got to do her own Easter egg hunt in the Basement and she got her own basket.

Later that night I had an Easter Egg hunt of my own. Eric and Kaidance (and I am sure they had help from Kristin and Jess) hid eggs with clues inside. At the end I found a diamond necklace! It is beautiful and I love it!

Hope everyone had a fun Easter!


Thursday, April 28, 2011

A Wonderful Day

Kaidance looks so big swinging all by herself. It almost makes me sad.

She is so darn cute!

She LOVES to throw the wood chips. They were in her hair and down her clothes!

Going down the slide all by herself!

I see you!

Jumping on the tramp early in the morning!

Today was such a great day, despite the fact that Kaidance woke-up before six am this morning. She took an early nap and then it was off for a fun filled day.

We went to two different parks today. She played and played. Then we went and got her cousin Kylie and they played at the park. Kaidance cried when we had to leave. She also jumped on Kylie's tramp with her. She just loves playing with Kylie. She even yells for Kylie, it is so cute.

Thanks for a fun filled day beautiful Princess! You always have a way of making me smile!

All in a days work.

Bowling with Dad.

Check out this Easter Bunny!

Playing at the Fun Park

Tub Time!

We have been having a good time lately. Kaidance is so antsy to get outside. It has been awful weather so we have taken her to the Fun Park two different days this week. She has a blast, and it is nice to get out of the house.

Just hoping and dreaming of some warm spring weather.

Monday, April 25, 2011


Kaidance being the Graduate!

I am in the front row in the middle.

Smelling the lotion Kristin gave me.

Kaidance, we dressed her in purple and white for the Weber State colors!


Kaidance being a good girl at the graduation.

Getting my Hood

Heather is the tall one to my right.

Me and Kristin, AKA the dorky girls!

Me, Eric and my Angel! (Oh, the orange is the Master's Hood and the purple cord is from the Nursing Honor Society I am in.

Looks like I am squishing Kaidance.

Kaidance is my number one fan! HAHA!

I am officially finished with school. I had my graduation on Friday, April 22nd 2011. It was such a great day.

We had a good time. Kristin drove down from Twin Falls and stayed with me on Thursday. We have so much fun together, we are both a little dorky! We got Kaidance ready and Kristin did my hair for me on Friday morning. We picked up my mom and then met Eric in Hyde Park. We were then off to Ogden.
My first ceremony was at 1100. It was the hooding ceremony. This was only for the Master's students in either the Health Science Field.

Then we had a break and went to lunch. After lunch we went for a quick shopping trip at the Mall.

Next, was my Graduation ceremony. It was nice to be able to walk with the group of people I have done this with for the last 2 years. The fun thing was that the first group of LPN students I ever taught graduated with their RN, while I was graduating with my Master's. It was fun, we took a picture together, but I don't have a copy of it yet.

After graduation we came home and found out that ASHLEE, MY LITTLE SIS MADE THE SKY VIEW DANCE TEAM! I think only 3 freshman made it, her and two others, so she is AMAZING!
Eric made plans to have a family dinner when we got home. Thanks to all my family and friends for all the support. I have felt so blessed to be able to earn my degree, but even more blessed to have such an amazing support system. Thanks for always putting up with me.

Lastly, I have to thank my good friend Heather. She was the one who helped me get through the program. At times I thought I might not make it and she would always tell me I could do it and calm me down. She has been the best friend I could ever ask for ! Thanks Heather, I love you!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Amazing Sisters!

I seriously have the most amazing sisters in the world. I love them so much! (That includes you Jena!). If I were to ask anyone of them for something, it wouldn't even be a question, they would be right there for me. I don't know how I got so lucky! I love you guys so much!

Kimmie is amazing. She is such a giver. She is always willing to help anyone. She is quiet, but has a heart of gold.

Jena is so wonderful. She never complains. Jena takes time to really listen to people and help other's in need. She has patience like I have never seen.

Kristin is great! She takes time to call me everyday just to see how we are doing. She is a goer, she wants to be planning something for someone, all the time.

Ashlee is such a beautiful person. She has the type of personality that everyone loves. She gets along with everyone and is always trying to include others. She always has a smile on her face, and she can make you laugh at any time!

So, lately Ashlee has been doing so many things. She is trying out for Vistauns right now, and she does not even seem nervous. I am SURE I am more nervous that she is. Also, she is running for Student Council. We made her posters the other night, and they turned out great. She is so creative! ( I think she took all the creative genes because I am not creative at all.)

Thanks beautiful girls for letting me call you my sisters!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Some of her Favorite Things!

Eating popcorn and watching a movie!
Eating chocolate Cake.
Her new bird, Lemmmie! She sings to us all the time.
Playing outside, no matter how warm or cold it is!

Friday, April 15, 2011


I wasn't sure I was going to be able to say this, but here it goes: I AM GRADUATING! Shout it from the roof tops! I wasn't sure I was going to make it through it. But I did it. I just turned in my last paper and I feel like 100 pounds has been lifted off my back (a girl can only dream, right?). I am all set to graduate on April 22nd, 2011. I am very proud of myself. I have found a new sense of self in knowing I was able to complete graduate schooling. Now I can focus more on the things I love, such as family/friends, caring for others and educating others. I want to become a better person, and I have truly learned more than I can explain by going to school (not just about education, but about myself). I am going to take just a second to brag, and say I am happy for what I have accomplished and glad I can set an example for my daughter! Now, to take the advice of one of my favorite PhD instructors, own who you are and what you do. That being said here it goes: I am Natalie Rigby Britt, RN, MSN-ed. Take that life!!!!

She did it!

Kaidance peed in the toilet! I can't believe it. I know it probably wasn't planned, but I almost started to cry when it happened. I can't believe my baby girl is getting so big.

It happened when we were getting ready for tubby time. I had her all undressed, so I just sat her on her potty and told her to try to piddle. I was talking, (like I always do) about some nonsense I am sure. I was telling her about how big girls wear panties and how they don't have to wear itchy diapers because they go potty in the toilet. All of the sudden I hear her throne making music. I was in shock. I was wondering if it was real. Sure enough, there was urine in her little pink toilet. She just looked at me like, "Okay mom, will you be quiet now?"

Anyway, just wanted to document the first time she went potty in the the toilet, as April 14th, 2011.

P.S. I am sure she will love that I posted this when she gets a little older!

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Kaidance Khloe (AKA my BFF)

Kaidance is my BFF! I would spend every single day with her if I could. She may get sick of me, but oh geeze, I could kiss her cheeks all day long.

Today we went to Logan and I took her to ride the quarter (50 cents now) rides in the front of the mall. She is in Heaven. She loves it. She also loves the other kids there, until they get too close to her! HAHA.

After the mall we headed to Cafe Sabor. We met up with a bunch of girls from work. They are all so fun. We were having a going away party for one of my favorite girls I work with. She just started a new job at McKay Dee. Boo for us, Yay for her! I love ya Teen, and will miss you so dang much!

Oh, and just so you all know, I got home at 2 and realized I had left my coffee cup sitting out. ( I know, how could I not clean up after myself). Well anyway, as I was going to dump it and put it in the dishwasher, I realized a HEART had formed on the top of the coffee. Check it out! It is so amazing. Now I don't want to dump it out!