Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Another baby shower.

I just wanted to let everyone know how thankful and blessed I am.
I am so blessed to have such amazing family and friends. My mother, sisters and my best friend Heather are planning a baby shower for me. I am so excited and so blessed to have such great people in my life. I am so thankful for everything they have done for me to get this together.
Thanks so much! I love all you guys! I am so lucky to have such amazing support.


Cassidy said...

i just wondered if you felt like getting the h1n1 shot could/would be a risk for your baby? where they are still in testing phase. ??? I don't know i would just die if i got the shot and then something came out and it hurt my baby. Yea please keep me posted. thanks.

Cartas said...

I got the invite today, it's so cute. I don't know if I'm not supposed to say anything about it, hehe! But is there anything that you NEED? I mean I'd rather get you something you need then, something that someone else gets you too and you have to return one........ know what I mean....... Let me know okay. :)